Baghdad The independent Kurdish politician Mahmoud Othman said: “The monitoring of the United Nations on the upcoming parliamentary elections will not prevent fraud, manipulation.”

Othman said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA): “The United Nations monitoring of the elections will be limited to viewing some electoral centers and the entry of citizens to them only, and international observers will not be able to detect what is happening behind closed doors of fraud, and therefore UN monitoring will not affects the election results and what happens in them, but it can only be given international legitimacy and importance.”

He stressed: “One of the most important challenges facing the elections is the uncontrolled weapons, financial and political corruption, and the failure to conduct a population census, which some parties wish not to conduct to benefit from the electoral cards of the deceased and those who moved from one governorate to another.”

Othman pointed out: “Some internal parties will try to postpone the date of the elections or falsify them because they have lost their electoral and popular masses, in order to preserve the current status of their blocs and parties, and we will witness vigorous attempts by them in this direction.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency