Baghdad The expert in economic affairs, Raad Twig, said that excluding Iraq from the International Davos Forum held last month is a wake-up call for decision-makers in the country.

Twig said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency that “the Davos International Forum is a global economic forum that discusses economic developments in the world, and excluding Iraq from it for the lack of quality education, whether at the level of higher and primary education, represents a warning bell for decision-makers in the country, so Iraqi institutions should listen to this warning, update economic policies, and change the essence of education in Iraq in order to be productive education. ”

He added: “In practice, the quality of education is the first step towards building an economy that can support 40 million people, which will double to 80 million after two decades, and this represents a wake-up call for decision-makers in the country to put the right man in the right place in the leadership of distinguished economic and educational institutions. ”

Twig stressed “the necessity to search for scientific methods to start from the state of immersion in the static and monotonous economy, and to launch a major economic process to obtain high growth rates equivalent to the high population growth rate”, indicating: “The projections for annual growth rates in Iraq indicate 1.8%, and it is necessary to accelerate major, immediate, real and realistic economic development, and the necessity of keeping political interference away from economic reality. ”

He continued, “Improving the quality of education is not by training a number of students on specific exams, but by spreading knowledge collectively to the Iraqi community as a whole and not in a piecemeal fashion, and that will have an economic impact on society, which will raise the name of Iraq high in Davos and other forums.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency