Baghdad Director of International Affairs at Iran’s Media Foundation, Mokhtar Haddad, affirmed the Islamic Republic’s support for the Iraqi role in resolving disputes and crises in the region.

Haddad said, in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA), that “the Islamic Republic of Iran supports such efforts in the region and neighboring countries.”

He added that “President Ibrahim Raisi, during his swearing-in, confirmed that Iran’s foreign policy for this stage will focus on strengthening relations with neighboring countries and the region, so Iran supports Iraqi efforts,” noting that “such efforts are good, because they return Iraq to its leading role in the region first, indicating that there is a political development we are witnessing in Iraq, which is reflected positively on the countries of the region.”

Haddad, the editor-in-chief of the Iranian newspaper Al-Wefaq, explained, “when Baghdad called for mediation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Tehran agreed to that, and indeed the negotiations took place under Iraqi auspices and reached positive results, which means that Iran supports this active Iraqi role.”


Source: National Iraqi News Agency